U-wings by papaglop

The U-wing remains in the top 5 of my favorite Star Wars ships.

I made a first MoC version of Casian's U-Wing in 2018 but I never took the time to design the instructions for it.

As usual I had started with the interior, and built around it, to make sure it's as minifigscale as my other builds.

Then, last year, I showed it quickly in the video about my UCS Razorcrest and some people reached out to me to ask for the instructions.

I wasn't sure I would design them, because there are already several versions of Casian's U-wing everywhere, including an official one (set 75155) and the famous 3300 bricks "Uproject" one.

Then, I remembered that there there are other cool U-wings that have been shown in Rogue One and also in SW Rebels.
I didn't really know which one I would release... So I decided to do all four of them at some point :)


Bravo One
Cassian's white and blue UT-60D version, the one seen escaping Jedha and then crashing on Eadu in the first half of Rogue One.

Hopefully we will see it again in the Season 2 of Andor on Disney+.

Update May 22th 2022
This one is now 100% finished and available on Rebrickable !

This build :
 - has 1636 pieces
 - should cost around 200USD to build
 - is Minifigscale
 - has room for the whole Rogue One team to seat
 - has ultra detailed interior
 - has a Cockpit that opens
 - has wings that can open
 - has lateral doors that can slide
 - has landing gears that can be folded under the wings


Blue Eleven,

Laren Joma's U-wing seen during the battle of Scarif.


This one is also a useful ship in the mobile game SWGOH, where it is called Bistan's U-wing. (Bistan is the gunner in that ship)

I have yet to find the time to work on this one :(


From SW Rebels, SW Battlefront II and tactical table-top game X-Wing Miniatures, the black and grey Partisan U-wing that Saw Gerera uses with his copilot Edrio "Two tubes".

This one is well detailed on the official website.

This one is in progress and should be ready soon.
Here is a sneak peek :


The fourth is more obscure, also from Rebels, it's the older BT-45D U-wing that Ryder lends to Hera in season 4. It's a modified one with only 2 reactors and and shorter wings.


I still need to work on this one...