
The Crew of the Anvil.

A Star Wars Edge of the Empire campaign enhanced with Lego.

If, like my friends and I, you stand in the center of the Venn Diagram below, you will probably like this page.

(Or hate it… As most fandoms now seem to deal only in absolute.)

About the game

In the Spring of 2018, my friend Martin started to prepare this RPG campaign in the Edge of the Empire era.

The twist is that all the players and NPCs are portrayed with Lego minifigs!

He also built several Lego checkered play boards along with dozens of modular walls and pieces of furniture to create and decorate the scenes as the game goes.

The results have been amazing and we’re having tons of fun.

For some specific encounters, he even builds MoC elements, like this minifig-scale Rancor.

Our team currently consists of :
 - Toolkit : A Rodian hacker and Robot builder
 - Kashyn Vaal : A Togruta smuggler with a growing connection to the Force
 - Kammir : A human Bodyguard as tall, strong and hairy as a wookie
Sometimes it feels we are the Star Wars version of the A-team

I also designed a box for my set of dice.

It has a space to store the minifig of my character Kammir.


After a couple of successful missions together, our characters discussed the possibility of buying their own ship. We rapidly agreed it would be a ILH-KK Citadel-class civilian cruiser. It has plenty of room and has all the options we wanted for a decent price. 
In the Core rulebook of Edge of th Empire, this shuttle looks like this: 

 There are also different versions of it on Wookieepedia

On the very next episode of our campaign, we started searching for a vendor that would have an affordable used ILH-KK. I was lucky enough to roll a Triumph and we found exactly the shuttle we wanted.
We bought it and renamed it the Anvil (as it would contain an extensive droid-workshop) , in-game the team is now working on moding the shuttle, so I started improving my Lego version to make the corresponding changes and also to make it more robust and more detailed. 

As an AFOL myself, I immediately decided to build a Lego version of this shuttle and make it as minifig-scale as possible. With all the LBG and DBG parts I’ve been stockpiling for a while, I was confident I could do it without any Bricklink order.
After just one week, I had this first version, almost 100 studs long and has a detailed interior on two levels : 

  • a 4 seat cockpit
  • 4 bedrooms (3 individual and one with bunkbeds)
  • 1 medical bay with a bacta tank
  • 1 kitchen/living room
  • 1 fully equipped workshop for our Engineer
  • 2 lateral defense turrets
  • the engine room
  • a small refresh-room
  • a hangar with large side openings

Then I also made a smaller version, just for fun. (and potentially future space fights)


Obi Wan and the Death Star tractor beam Lego MoC

When you like Lego and Star Wars, you want Storm Troopers... Lots of them...
And this year, as you may know, this set came out and it is one of the best "Army builder" there is.
With each you get 4 Troopers and also some nice grey pieces.
So I decided to use these to do blast doors. With a mecanism that can open and close them like in the movies.
After a couple of tries I managed to get the gear system right and now they work fine.
And then I let myself go to build around...

So here it is:
(no filter no photoshop)
Based on this original shot from the movie:


Jedi Interceptor eta-2, MOC

So a couple of weeks ago I decided to disassemble my Cool-Cruiser and I ended up with a lot of cool shapes in Yellow.

My older daughter wanted a "Gros tracteur jaune" so I made her this one:

Then, after a while, I wanted something more "Starwarsy", as usual... But Yellow ??... Then it hit me :

Jedi Interceptor eta-2

Of course, there already is an official set for this one... But I wanted to do a MOC based only on pieces that I already own.

Also, I wanted to make it look more muscular and bulky.
The original one seems so slim and fragile. (I know it is supposed to be, because, you know : Jedi = No need for heavy shield and armor.)
But still... I wanted something more "realistic"?...
So after a rainy Sunday, I ended up with this :

and for my friend Sylvain, yes, a R2 unit can fit in the wing, let me climb here to show you:


Spaceship ! Spaceship !!! SPACESHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pour bien comprendre toute la puissance de ce model il faut:
- avoir vu le The Lego Movie
- avoir grandi dans les années 80 en jouant aux Légo.

La boite officielle est prévue pour août 2014 son code : 70816.
Mais à mon avis, acheter une boite officielle du film LEGO, ça va un peu à l'encontre de l'idée de fond du film... Ce serait un peu comme acheter le CD de "Everything is awesome"...
